Listen to silence


Have you ever tried listening to silence? I don't mean the silence when there is no sound, but the silence underneath the sounds.
Wherever there is noise, there is silence. All it takes to hear it is focus. It's like looking at the canvas instead of the painting.
Try it now, even if you're in a subway car. Especially if you're in a subway car. If it is noisy around you, focus on the silence within your body, the layer that supports all sounds. Can you find it? And if yes, how do you feel? Maybe a bit more spacious?

This technique has helped me regulate my overstimulated nervous system countless times. We don't realize how overwhelmed our system gets by constant noise. Likewise, we don't realize we can change the channel without adding more noise (in the form of headphones blasting music to cover the ambient sounds, for instance).

I'd be curious to hear about your experience with this if you try it out in the world🙂 Don't hesitate to comment! 👂🏻

MusingsLaure Porche