Systemic constellations allow us to access information present in the weave of life, the knowing field, to look at any system and understand the way its elements relate to one another. I offer family, organizational, nature and artists constellations, both in an individual and group setting.
In the case of Family Constellations, first introduced by Bert Hellinger, we can inquire into what might be at the origin of a certain pattern in the person's life, and sometimes find resolution, both for the seeker and their family system. While scientists have found that trauma could be inherited through genes, family constellations facilitators have known for years that a trauma or exclusion in a family system could have dire repercussions for several generations of descendants.
Family constellations provides us with a way to restore the flow of love and inclusion in a family, and to graciously accept what is and recognize our life for the gift that it is. It is a work of the soul, that can have profound resonance and effect for the seeker, and present them with a new vision of their "family myth".
Constellations can also be used to look at things that may be impeding any system from functioning at its best. It is of invaluable help when looking at organizations and how to optimize them in a way that is sustainable for all their departments. One could also use constellation to look at the different aspects of their private practice or business and get information about what may be the perfect balance for them. Artists can use constellations to explore their relationship to creativity, money, or any systemic block in their family system that might prevent them from thriving in their chosen profession.
Nature Constellations, as introduced by Francesca Mason Boring, are an amazing tool to look at any kind of environmental issue, like informing land use, energy choices, sustainability choices, working with pets, supporting real estate transactions, reconnecting with the land of our ancestors vs the land of immigration, etc... It is a rich tool towards returning our membership in Earth Community.
You can chose to do this work individually or in a group. The group offers the advantage of having people stand as representatives for the different elements or relationships you want to look at, and they often offer a wealth of information. In an individual session, we will use visualization, objects or sometimes standing yourself as a representative in order to explore the dynamics that are impeding you. It is a good way to get acquainted with the work and see its potency first hand.
If you are interested in reading more about constellations, you can find a list of book references in the Resources section. You can also read this great article about Mark Wollyn's book, It didn't start with you.
“Laure introduced me to constellation work and it has been a life-opening experience. In the few sessions we’ve had, I’ve learned volumes about my own inner system and human relationships in general. Laure is a warm, loving presence that approaches the work with grounding and humor. I would recommend the experience to anyone.”
I've been working with inner children (my own and others') for many years now. This technique was first taught to me when it wasn't yet "mainstream", and I couldn't believe how efficient it was. Nowadays I consider it almost an unavoidable tool in healing and learning to self-regulate and care for oneself.
Very often, our difficulties come from the fact that we lack tools to distinguish the part of ourselves that reacts to events: is it the injured child of yesteryear, or the adult that we are today? Unbeknownst to us, our younger selves make most of our decisions, and drive most of our emotional reactions to life. Their sense of what is safe and what is not, regularly overwhelms our adult understanding of reality. They yearn to be loved as they are, yet are bound by loyalty to the self-image their caregiver imbued in them.
Until we do the work of reparenting these younger selves, of becoming true adults living fully in our own power, we might encounter difficulties and misunderstanding in our relationships, and have trouble coping with life in general.
Learning to discern the part of us that really suffers and to deal with it, as well as to separate what belongs to us and what has been passed on to us, is a necessary step on the road to self-knowledge. When we do it, we take care of our own needs, which alleviates our relationships and frees us from any outside expectation.
“The inner child work is the core of my ongoing healing. Taking care of my inner child was a revelation and is an ongoing process of healing. If you are looking to take care of your soul and break free of your patterns of behaviors seek Laure to assist in the pruning.”
Whatever your experience of life is, your body keeps track of it. Emotional and physical traumas live in our tissues until we free them, and influence our choices and our states of being, more or less consciously. The advantage of this is that our body often alerts us, through illness, injury or pain, to an aspect of our life that is no longer in keeping with our deepest aspirations.
Craniosacral therapy realigns the person in their innate axis, unwinds the connective tissues (fascias) which keep the memory of traumas, and creates space around a pathology or problematic. It is particularly indicated to restore mobility after an accident or an operation and to relieve chronic pain. This work also helps emotionally, mentally and spiritually as it allows the system to reorganize itself coherently at every level.
Our body heals itself all the time and there is a way to touch it, to be with it, to listen to it, to support this healing process. There are also specific frequencies and vibrations that generate a healing movement, both in the physical and energetic body.
The combination of a vibratory approach with physical work can relieve pain, depression, chronic fatigue, stress, sleep disorders, digestive problems, anxiety, as well as many other conditions.
“I highly recommend a personal session to anyone who is looking to explore the often ignored intersection between personal history/trauma/unrest and how that manifests energetically in our physical bodies. ”