Cultiver la neutralité dans l'accompagnement - POITIERS
10:30 AM10:30

Cultiver la neutralité dans l'accompagnement - POITIERS

Lors de cette journée nous explorerons la notion de neutralité : ce que c’est, comment elle nous préserve et soutient le travail d’évolution de nos clients. A travers notre réflexion, nos discussions et des exercices pratiques (constellations, visualisation, “holding space”), nous interrogerons notre relation à nous-mêmes, à notre métier et à ceux que nous accompagnons, pour trouver un positionnement plus juste et plus viable dans le temps.

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Le filage, spirale sacrée - BORDEAUX
to Apr 10

Le filage, spirale sacrée - BORDEAUX

  • Atelier de Mademoiselle C (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Lors de ce stage, en plus d’apprendre les bases du filage des fibres animales au fuseau, nous nous connecterons à la dimension spirituelle et magique du fil, à l’aspect métaphorique du lien, aux richesses ancestrales qui nous arrivent par ce biais, afin de faire de cet art une ressource d’intention et de force.

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Moving beyond the caption - EN LIGNE
7:00 PM19:00

Moving beyond the caption - EN LIGNE


THURSDAYS, 01/14 & 01/21

2:00 - 4:30 PM EST

(11 AM PST, 7 PM GMT)

For the past 15 years, our online identity has exponentially taken up more and more space in our efforts, our time, and our energy. Now in 2020, it is to the point that it feels difficult for many of us to find, and remember, the real value and presence in an experience if we are not sharing it in our virtual “world” in some way. But that virtually constructed world is getting more codified by the day, and the definition of what qualifies as “good content” (ie. the things our fellow humans will give their attention to) is getting narrower and narrower. How do we resist the acculturation of our creativity and self, driven by the “content” we feel bound to make, and also consume ourselves?

What if no one was looking?

What if you were living and creating for yourself?

What if the words you wrote were more about painting a picture of your inner landscape than explaining your process?

What if you didn’t need others to understand?

What if you didn’t need to be inspirational?

In this two-part workshop series, we will explore ourselves beyond what we present to the world.

The human experience cannot be explained. It cannot be contained neatly in pretty videos and wise captions. It’s made of sensation, of perceptions that by definition elude the cognitive. The only way to share who we are as humans, to allow someone else to experience our world, is through imagery and sensations. In order to do that, we ourselves need to change the filter we put on what we create, and to really let go of the desire to please, inspire, entertain or be validated.

Mining genuine creative impulse from dreams, memories, sensations, family lore, poetry and more, we will work with the creative mediums of language, writing, movement, and dance to unearth a different path to translating yourself to the world. This progressive process will seek to divert from what’s “acceptable content” towards what really expresses and captures our perception, our experience of life.

Filming and observing your movement will be discouraged.

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